Marcella & Marco

Founded by siblings Marcella and Marco Lobo, LOBOMAR- emerged out of their experiences growing up in Köln, London and Amsterdam with Indian-Italian parents. For Marcella and Marco, cultural categories and discussions of authenticity always seemed either too vague or too rigid. Throughout their lives, they experienced many dominant cultures, each shaping and inspiring them in different ways. Any attempts at labeling would often feel misplaced and flat.

Composing Contexts

As an alternative, they gravitated towards what they call composing contexts – the deliberate act of choosing what authentically represents you to define your own context, rather than conforming to broad societal strokes.

At LOBOMAR-, this means deconstructing past and present traditions to create deeply personal ones. Prominent themes include savory dinners, emblematic family portraits, heritage fabrics, and cherished soundtracks and films.